Saturday, May 2, 2009

Violins and the Conductor. Not my typical night...

But, I enjoyed it. Who knew the LA Philharmonic would be an enjoyable place to be on a Friday night. I would say even if its not your thing, it's worth a try. The music is beautiful, the musicians are insanely into it and the walt disney concert hall really is enchanting. Yes, enchanting. My friend Verno and I were lucky enough to get some free tickets and they happen to be the best ticket in the house. Row 1, center. We pretty much were part of the orchestra they might as well have handed us a violin. I decided that my favorite symphony instrument is the Cello and that I am still not sure what the conductor does. Vern says he keeps the time, which makes sense. Let's just say I was not sure what to expect and I loved it. I mean I am not gonna go out and by season tickets, but it was legit. 

This guy, Gerstein was a special guest pianist, it was wild. He made the craziest faces and intense lip action. His eyes were closed mostly and he literally looked like he was the music. The first guy is the conductor, Graf. 
Little tidbit, It is better with your eyes closed. Your imagination will create a scene you didn't even know you were capable of. 

MAY DAY MARCH in Los Angeles

If you were driving on the streets of Los Angeles yesterday, you may have run into this: 

May Day is a celebration of social and economic achievements as well as a march for labor and immigrant rights. What a backdrop Los Angeles brings to the May Day Marches. 
The marches were a beautiful sight, with chants, posters and spectators. The streets were filled with the crowds rallying for immigration reform. Cars slowed when the crowd gathered on a bridge above the 110. I stopped and looked up, I guess the traffic in LA is due to something.  I jumped right off the freeway and stood with many others to watch the invigorated march. There were people from all walks of life, Mexican Immigrants chanting, "What do we want?" "Justicia" "When do we want it?" "Ahora" and the Asian immigrants in traditional attire, and a group of immigrants, chanting, "We are queer and proud" "Marriage is the same for all humans." I wanted to jump over the caution tape and jump in. Next year I will be there. If there is any reason traffic would be justified in my book, it would be the MAY DAY marches. Holla. 

Check out some photos: 

LA Times coverage of : MAY DAY MARCH