Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tis the Season.

I have been working with Women's Professional Soccer the past 4 months which has been awesome. I moved my life, or how ever much of my life fit in my toyota corolla, to the city of San Francisco. What a city. It's so much fun. Ever been? Not only did i get to move to a hott new city but I spent my days at the WPS offices. Legit. 

I am in Los Angeles for the Holidays. And great it is. You could mistake the weather for a warm day in July and the holiday spirit it still afloat. Being home is more than fun, much due to the Nerf Guns that were bought for Christmas. If you want to see your parents run around like mad, as if for a second they were five years old again, buy them Nerf Guns. They transform adults into kids and a house into a makeshift fort. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not an advocate of guns but I am a fan of little styrofoam darts that do no harm other than turning furniture into protection and a family portrait into a dart board....

1 point for the kids and 2 for the parents. My brother Giancarlo won. 

We were being attacked.

Then came the sneak attack...sucker. 

Christmas proved to be quite the fiesta. My grandma got into the spirit by "getting low" 
Oh man, so good...

New Years will be spent at my house in LA tomorrow. It will be great. Check in to see how it goes. 

Let's Share...

So I thought as 2009 begins, so should begin a blog. Blogs are pretty fun and a way to share some thought and info with everyone. So this is my chance to keep you all on par with the adventures I undertake and more importantly for you to share your life with me. I think we can call it sharing a cup of coffee? No? I think it works. Casual, cool and in comfy chairs. 

Legit. And so it begins...